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What is Gender of noun and formation of feminine with examples

In this chapter we will learn Noun gender. We have done Noun Definition and it's kinds. In this chapter we are going to understand what is Masculine gender, Feminine gender etc and how to form feminine gender of nouns.

Define Gender

We know that living beings are of either the male or female sex.
Now we talk about Masculine gender, feminine gender, Common gender, Neuter gender and Personified objects.

1. Masculine Gender : A noun that denotes male animal.

2. Feminine Gender : A noun that denotes a female animal.

3. Common Gender : A noun that denotes either a male animal or a female animal. For example, students, servant, infant, neighbor, cousin etc.

4. Neuter Gender : A noun that denotes a thing that neither a male nor a female (non-living thing). For example, pen, book, room, fan, spoon etc.

5. Personified Objects : Objects without life, sometimes we feel if they were living beings such as, the sun, winter, summer, death etc., show strength and violence (Masculine Gender).

Feminine Gender (personified objects) the Moon, the Earth, Autumn, nature, peace, gentleness and gracefulness.

Ways of forming the feminine of Nouns

Three ways to form feminine nouns

1. Entirely different words

Masculine     Feminine
Bachelor        Spinster
Boy                 Girl
Brother           Sister
Bull                  cow
Bullock            Heifer
Hart                 Roe
King                Queen
Lord                 Lady
Monk                Nun
Man                  woman
Cock                 Hen
Earl                   Countess
Father               Mother
Nephew            Niece
Ram                  Eve
Stag                  Hind
Wizard              Witch

2. By adding a syllable -ess, -ine, -trix, etc.

Masculine      Feminine
priest               Priestess
Count               Countess
Author             Authoress
Baron               Baroness
Lion                  Lioness
Shepherd         Shepherdess  
Poet                  Poetess
Jew                    Jewess
NOTE : We have to remove VOWELS (a,e,i,o,u) of the masculine ending.
Masculine          Feminine
Founder             Foundress
Tiger                   Tigress
Preceptor           Preceptress
Tempter             Temptress
Seamster            Seamstress
Negr                 Negress
Prince                  Princess
Duke                    Duchess
Murderer              Murderess      
Traitor                  Traitress

Now -ine, -trix, -a, etc. syllable 

Masculine             Feminine
Testator                 Testatrix
Sultan                    sultana
Hero                       Heroine

3. BY adding a word before or after 

Masculine             Feminine
Great uncle            Great aunt
Milkman                  Milk woman
Grandfather            Grandmother
Peacock                  Peahen


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