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Showing posts from June, 2020

Noun: Singular and Plural form in detail for competitors

The noun singular and plural form  We can see changing words mention below singular form to plural form they all are different  Tree- trees, box- boxes, man- men, ox- oxen. If you want to learn NOUN and its kinds in detail then you should click on the link. Definition of singular and plura l from of noun. A noun that denotes one person or thing is said to be in the singular number. Now the definition of plural number, a noun that denotes more than one person or thing is said to be in the plural number. Singular form of noun  such as  book, pen, fan, flower, tree, , boy, , boy, girl, sister, cousin, bottle, bag, chair, table, basket, , towel, cushion, etc.Plural form of noun books, pens,  Flowers, birds, boys, girls, sisters, cousins, bags, chairs, tables, baskets, coolers, towels, cousins, etc. Ways of forming plur al forms of Nouns 1. by adding –s to the singular Tree- trees, bird- birds, girl- girls,

What is Gender of noun and formation of feminine with examples

In this chapter we will learn Noun gender. We have done Noun Definition and it's kinds . In this chapter we are going to understand what is Masculine  gender, Feminine gender etc and how to form feminine gender of nouns. Define Gender We know that living beings are of either the male or female sex. Now we talk about Masculine gender, feminine gender, Common gender, Neuter gender and Personified objects. 1. Masculine Gender : A noun that denotes male animal. 2. Feminine Gender : A noun that denotes a female animal. 3. Common Gender : A noun that denotes either a male animal or a female animal. For example, students, servant, infant, neighbor, cousin etc. 4. Neuter Gender : A noun that denotes a thing that neither a male nor a female (non-living thing). For example, pen, book, room, fan, spoon etc. 5. Personified Objects : Objects without life, sometimes we feel if they were living beings such as, the sun, winter, summer, death etc., show strength and violence

NOUN : Definition and Kinds of Noun(BASIC)

So, I am here to teach Noun Definition and its Kinds in easy language. Here Hindi Translation is also available, who is comfortable in Hindi they go with Hindi.   What is Noun ? A NOUN is a word used as the name of a person, place or thing. NOTE : The word "THING" is used to mean anything that we can think of.   Reena go to park .                       Taj Mahal is so beautiful.   I like pencil.                                   KINDS OF NOUN    There are mainly four kinds of Noun  Common Noun Proper Noun Collective Noun Abstract Noun Besides these Kinds of Noun there are two more Kinds of Noun Countable Noun Uncountable Noun  Let's discuss in detail. Common Noun : Common Noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind.  For Example, Girls follow me. In this sentence common noun is GIRLS . Now another sentence, All men are lyres . In this sentence common Noun is MEN.       2 . Proper No